In addition to the state-of-the-art facilities and equipment at NUSC department and Institute of Materials Science (IMS), Dr. Luo's laboratory is equipped with a wide range of instruments for multidisciplinary research projects and applications, including food chemistry and engineering, nanotechnology, materials characterization, etc. If you are interested in learning more about our facilities, please email Dr. Luo with your queries. We welcome collaborations.

Atomic Force Microscope: Anton Paar TOSCA
- Contact Mode & Tapping Mode
- Force Distance Curve
- Contact Resonance Amplitude Imaging
- Electrostatic Force Microscopy
- Magnetic Force Microscopy
- Kelvin Probe Microscopy
- Conductive AFM

Modular Compact Rheometer: Anton Paar MCR-302
- Low viscosity samples (low protein solution)
- Low volume measurement (40 μL: animal blood)
- Interfacial rheology test (biofilms, emulsions, etc.)
- Tribology study - mouthfeel sensation, texture
- Precise temperature control (-20 to 200 Celsius)

PERMATRAN-W 3/34 WVTR Analyzer
- MOCON’s patented modulated infrared sensor
- The only modulated sensor system on the market
- Low detection levels down to 0.005 g/(m2 x day)
- Fully automated temperature, flow and RH controls

FlashSmart™ Elemental Analyzer
- Configured to simultaneously test C, H, N, S
- Small sample size and short running time
- High sensitivity, accuracy, and reproducibility
- Fully automated analytical workflows
- Simplicity: No sample pre-treatment required

IKA Photobioreactor (HABITAT)
- Easy control and monitoring of bioprocesses and associated parameters
- Precise and individually adjustable gas supply
- Integrated pumps to control up to 4 liquid supplies
- Equipped with various sensors (pH, temp, turbidity, CO2)
- The constant and precise temperature control
- Two LED light panels for photoreactions

Nano Spray Dryer: Buchi B-90
- Uniform particle generation
- Sub-micron sized powders
- Tunable size via high frequency vibrational mesh
- Low sample volume (~ 20 mL)
- Low concentration sample (0.5 mg/mL)

ZetaSizer: Malvern Nano ZS-90
- Size measurement 0.3 nm - 10 micron
- Zeta potential measurement
- Molecular weight measurement
- Wide range of sample concentrations

LM10 Microfluidizer: High-Shear Fluid Processor
- Ceramic Internation Chamber
- Cooling coil & bath assembly
- Minimum sample size: 30 mL
- Flow rate up to 600 mL/min
- Pressure range up to 23,000 psi
- Continuous processing and high yields
- Unmatched particle/droplet size-reduction

Texture Analyzer: Stable Micro Systems TA.XT plusC
- Adhesiveness, firmness, swelling, tear strength
- Extensibility, disintegration, relaxation
- Break strength, stiffness, spreadability, flexibility
- Hardness, cohesion, peel strength, tackiness
- Brittleness, tensile strength, elastic modulus, compressibility
- 2kg and 5kg loadcell for measuring a variety of samples

Superspeed Centrifuge: Sorvall LYNX 6000
- Max. speed: 29,000 rpm
- Max. RCF: 100,605 xg
- Capacity: 5 mL, 15 mL, 50 mL
- Temperature control: -20 to 40 celcius

Fluorescence Spectrophotometry LS-55: PerkinElmer
- 3D excitation/emission, synchronous, and kinetic scanning
- Single- and multiple-wavelength kinetics
- High sensitivity and easy measurement

Multi-Mode Microplate Reader Synergy H1: BioTek
- UV-visible absorbance and luminescence
- Top and bottom fluorescence intensity
- Monochromator-base optics for flexibility
- Filter-based optics for sensitivity
- Temperature control with shaking

FTIR Spectrometer: Nicolet™ iS™ 5
- Temperature controlled solid-state near-IR diode laser
- Attenuated total reflectance for quick and easy testing
- Industry-leading OMNIC software for data analysis

Environmental Chamber: Binder KBFP 720
- Temperature range: 0 to +70 °C (+10 to +60 °C with light)
- Humidity range: 10 to 80% RH
- Positionable illumination cassettes with UV/Vis light source
- Door heating function to minimize temp. fluctuation
- Stainless steel inner chambers and racks
Rotational Viscometer

Probe Sonicator

Nitrogen Evaporator