Dr. Luo is not only a professor committed to research and teaching at the University of Connecticut, but also an active scholar editing scientific journals worldwide. If you are interested in submitting your work to one of the journals, please do not hesitate to email Dr. Luo.
Associate Editor-in-Chief
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules is an established international journal of research into chemical and biological aspects of all natural macromolecules. It presents the latest findings of studies on the molecular structure and properties of proteins, macromolecular carbohydrates, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, lignins, biological poly-acids, and nucleic acids. These findings must be new and novel rather than a repeat of earlier or analogous published work. The scope includes biological activities and interactions, molecular associations, chemical and biological modifications, and functional properties. A special issue on "Nanotechnology with Biological Macromolecules" was published in 2020. Please visit this page to read articles in this special issue.Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research is a peer-reviewed open access journal focusing on research in the agricultural and food sciences. The journal welcomes full length research articles, reviews, short communications, perspectives, and commentaries from researchers in academic institutions, international research centers, and public and private research organizations. The journal has a special interest in the research that links agriculture and food together, and editors will prioritize to publish papers in this interdisciplinary field.

Associate Editor
Journal of Future Foods is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal belonging to the discipline of food science and technology. The aim of the journal is to report the latest research results of high-tech in food science. We welcome submissions that drive the field of food science towards whole food nutrition, intelligence, and high technology. Journal of Future Foods is dedicated to disseminating cutting-edge fundamental food science research, exploring the frontier issues of future food research and developing disruptive technologies in the food field. Articles must present information that is novel, high impact, and scientifically robust.
Managing Guest Editor
Please read the articles in Special Issue “Food Proteins: From Natural Source to Emerging Application” here.
- Recovering and valorizing proteins from natural resources, i.e., land/aquatic animal, plant, algae, fungal, etc., including their conversion into processable food ingredients.
- Modifying structural properties of proteins to improve their physicochemical, techno-functional properties, and palatability for advanced food applications.
- Engineering proteins into functional colloids, e.g., micro-/nano-particles, molecular conjugates, hydrogels, emulsions, foams, oleogels, etc., for advanced product designation and emerging food applications.